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Tag: Financial Agreements

A person you have separated from can legally make a claim for your assets up to twelve months after a divorce or twenty-four months after a de facto separation. To protect yourself and become financially independent once more, you should enter into a Financial Separation Agreement. Learn more about Using a Separation Agreement Template in […]

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Separating from your partner can be stressful and expensive. Fortunately, you can take many of your first steps without without involving combative lawyers. To begin: gather essential information; understand your rights and options; explore potential solutions to disputes; and seek support from friends, family, or counselling services. If you know how you want to divide […]

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Many legal avenues are open to you when looking for a way to divide property after a separation. Each has its own advantages, but for many people, the significant deciding factor is cost. How much money will you need to spend to protect your assets and become financially independent once more? Learn more about Using a […]

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In Australia, a “Separation Agreement” specifically refers to a financial contract that outlines the division of assets and liabilities when a marriage or de facto relationship comes to an end. Learn more about Using a Separation Agreement Template in Australia. It is important not to confuse this term with the American term “legal separation agreement,” […]

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Going through a separation or divorce can be an emotionally challenging and stressful time. One aspect that often requires careful consideration is the division of financial assets and property. In Australia, couples have the option to create a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA), also known as a separation agreement, to document how their financial property should […]

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A Property Settlement Agreement, more commonly referred to as a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) in Australia, is a practical and effective method for officially documenting the distribution of assets and liabilities following the dissolution of a marriage or de facto relationship. This agreement enables a couple to outline their agreed terms for an equitable division […]

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Family law settlements often envisage one partner buying out the other partner’s share of the family home or investment property.  This means that the Certificate of Title will need to be transferred into the sole name of the new owner (the transferee). There are 3 steps you need to do to complete the transfer. 1. […]

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We’ve all heard those love songs lyrics telling us, “I want somebody who will spend some time, baby don’t rush, we’ve got the time”. Well, who would have thought they were talking about a prenup agreement! If you’re contemplating a prenup or binding financial agreement before the wedding day then the best advice you will […]

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This page shows the infographic of how our Legal Review Service allows you to obtain legal advice to make your financial agreement legally binding (start with our financial agreement kits). To read more about it – click here

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Usually, when transferring ownership of property you will attract a hefty stamp duty bill  –  even if you are simply taking one partner’s name off the Title. For example, an investment property in Parramatta, New South Wales (not the family home) is valued at $500,000. If is being transferred from the name of both spouses/de […]

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