A BFA or Binding Financial Agreement is a document that allows you to choose how to divide property and financial resources in the event of a relationship breakdown.
Married or separating couples and those contemplating marriage have been able to make financial agreements for many years. In March 2009, the Family Law Act 1975 was amended, allowing de facto couples (hetero or same sex) to use them as well.
For those intending to live happily ever after
A BFA allows you and your partner to put down in writing what would be an equitable division of your assets and financial resources when your relationship is friendly and harmonious.
Making a BFA when you are planning to live happily ever after makes good sense, because it generally leads to an agreement that both parties find fair and reasonable.
Niggling doubts about “what would happen if?” can be set aside by providing certainty of outcome that can reduce stress and actually strengthen your relationship.
You can obtain an agreement for these ongoing relationships
For those who are separating or divorced
Separating from a long-term partner whether you are married or in a de facto relationship can be an emotionally draining and a financially devastating time.
Reaching an amicable agreement with your ex-partner about debts, assets and property before you engage the lawyers will save you considerable time, money and anxiety.
A Financial Agreement is a contract that provides certainty for the parties and enables you to get on with your life without the strain of ongoing court proceedings.
You can obtain an agreement for these relationships
We have been providing quality Financial Agreement kits and our unique Legal Review Package since March 2009.
On the following pages we are going to show you how you can finalise your financial agreement including the required legal advice, in most cases, for $ (in most cases), and that’s for both parties.
“It has been an extremely easy process to use RP Emery. I would like to give a great big thanks to Nicola for all her patience in answering my many questions. The Solicitor’s were also a pleasure to work with. This is a fantastic option for people who don’t wish to go down the long track of solicitor’s and courts. It saved us lots of money in legal bills. Separating is a hard thing for anyone to go through and having an easy solution to property settlement took alot of stress out of a painful process. I will highly recommend your Company to other’s. Once again, A Great Big Thankyou to you all”
Wendy M Chermside QLD
“I found RP Emery exceptional in every way. I was kept up to date with the process and any queries were answered within the day. It made the separation process much easier and I would highly recommend this service to any friends in the future.” Kim Watt QLD
Our Agreements are drafted to comply with Australian Law
The agreements are professionally drafted by Australian Law Experts
No Need to Wait. Download the Agreements Instantly
Plain English - No Legalese. Your Agreement is easy to use, edit and understand