When children know that their parents have talked about what’s best for them, and that a plan is written down, they are likely to feel cared for and safer. If your children can predict the shape of their lives and know that you will keep the adult issues between adults, they will be able to manage the stresses and fears of the separation much better.
This Shared Parenting Plan template deals with the following important issues:
- who the child/ren will live with,
- access rights of the other parent,
- school holidays,
- time with other people such as grandparents or extended family members,
- parental responsibility,
- medical issues and
- other major decisions parents will be required to make,
- dispute resolution and
- financial provisions (although this can be set out more clearly in a Child Support Agreement)
This Shared Parenting Plan Template is available singularly Only $44.95 or is available in the Child Support Agreement Pack for $119.95

Sample Document Excerpt of the Shared Parenting Plan Template