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Tag: Marriage and De facto

Once a relationship moves to the more serious phase of moving in together, then the more mundane practicalities of partnering up become important. Legally you are now classed as a “de facto couple” and this carries certain rights and responsibilities. The law now grants de facto couples rights comparable to those of married couples. This […]

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Our concept of the family unit is fast moving away from the more traditional concept of a family (mum + dad + 2.4 kids) in favour of a more dynamic and complex structure. Modern family structures include:- single dad or mum households, traditional married couples with children, de facto couples, gay couples, adoptive households, step-families, […]

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As we have touched on in this article “Same sex couples and the Law“, the law relating to same sex relationships has finally caught up with reality.  The family law recognises same sex partnerships and grants same sex couples rights largely equivalent to those of married couples (Family Law Act). As such you can now […]

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Same gender couples have enjoyed recognition under the Family Law Act (Act) since 2008. With the changes is 2009, they now have similar rights and protections as married couples. Same gender couples can address family related issues which include:- property division; maintenance; parenting (custody) issues; child support; and superannuation splitting. Definition of “de facto relationship”? The […]

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In Part 1 we explained what an STD is and how they can occur, Part 2 looks at practical tips for avoiding them. Are you financially compatible with your partner? Honest communication about financial habits and styles allows both parties to be clear about how to handle joint finances. Communication is important.  When your relationship […]

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Go to Previous Article – Contesting a Will under a family provision application These proceedings took place in Queensland.  The applicant, Peter Kozak, relied on s 41(1) of the Succession Act 1981, (Qld):- “If any person (the ‘deceased person’) dies whether testate or intestate and in terms of the Will or as a result of […]

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It is true that the requirements for signing a financial agreement are a little different to those that apply to signing a standard contract. The Family Law Act sets out specific requirements that must be met for signing financial agreements, in order for the agreement to be binding. What does the Family Law Act say? […]

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