Yes, sometimes factors exist which will impact on an otherwise valid contract and if the mistake concerns a fundamental matter, the mistaken party can apply to the courts for relief. We look at different types of mistakes and how a mistake can be rectified.
Car parking spaces in crowded cities can be hard to come by which is why renting your own can be a smart economic decision. It doesn’t really matter whether you are a commercial car parking enterprise, or a private owner, you should document your arrangement in a Car Park Space Licence Agreement.
It may be seem like a generous act of goodwill to allow your tenant to move in before finalising your lease – but this decision can have big consequences for you down the track. We examine the three main reasons why you should resist the temptation to let your tenant move in before they have signed on the dotted line.
It might seem very basic, but it is vital to get the names of the entities or “parties” correct when drafting a legal document. Stating the parties formally and accurately gives you certainty that there can be NO question about the parties’ intentions later, especially if the particulars are changed or forgotten. We look at the different types of “parties” and the correct way to record the information.
Verbal agreements can be legally binding and in fact many business and personal transactions are conducted purely on a handshake. But if things go wrong, it can be very difficult to sort the matter out or to even prove the agreement existed.
If you own a Commercial rental Property you can claim the following list of expenses as a tax deduction as long as the expenses were incurred during the period your property was rented or available for rent.
Many couples enter into co-ownership of property as joint tenants but sometimes this arrangement is no longer appropriate and it needs to be changed. We examine the circumstances under which you may want to sever a joint tenancy. It is a straight forward process that can be done by either party without the permission of the other co-owners.